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I disordini sociali stanno aumentando, aumentando i rischi per l’economia globale 

Marcello Orsini Dopo una pausa nella protesta popolare durante il primo anno della pandemia, la gente torna in piazza. Quest’anno, manifestazioni antigovernative ampie e di lunga durata si sono verificate in alcune economie avanzate in cui i disordini sono relativamente … Continue reading I disordini sociali stanno aumentando, aumentando i rischi per l’economia globale 

Le banche Italiane più sicure e quelle più a rischio: la classifica aggiornata

la solidità e l’affidabilità delle banche italiane in tempo di bail-in, la procedura decisa dall’Unione Europea secondo cui non potranno più essere gli stati a salvare le banche in difficoltà bensì gli azionisti e (in seconda battuta) i correntisti delle … Continue reading Le banche Italiane più sicure e quelle più a rischio: la classifica aggiornata

Quali sono I fattori determinanti per l’inserimento di top manager italiani nei ranghi internazionali?

Estratto dall’intervista al Financial Times del presidente ABO Marcello Orsini 2015 Quali sono I fattori determinanti per l’inserimento di top manager italiani nei ranghi internazionali? Il problema  sostanziale, è quando da assicuratori si vuole diventare finanzieri, induci quindi la società … Continue reading Quali sono I fattori determinanti per l’inserimento di top manager italiani nei ranghi internazionali?

La colpa di questa recessione perenne Italiana, è delle banche offshore con i prodotti tossici oppure dei rentiers europei?

Oggi l’Italia, e l’Europa, vedono crescere delle corti di banchieri ‘rentiers’, cioè affaristi i cui istituti di credito sono strafalliti ma che godono delle rianimazioni dei gentili, Mario Draghi e Mario Monti, a suon di favori miliardari per favorirne la ricapitalizzazione (cioè acquisti di quote societarie), che altrimenti sarebbe impossibile. Continue reading La colpa di questa recessione perenne Italiana, è delle banche offshore con i prodotti tossici oppure dei rentiers europei?

Addressing the Debate over the Economic Impact of Migration Remarks for the Conference on “Can Migration Work for All in Europe?”

Over the past year, we have been thinking about how best to respond to the rising criticism of globalization. Despite the many benefits for rich and poor alike, the downsides of globalization have generated a powerful political backlash. That has … Continue reading Addressing the Debate over the Economic Impact of Migration Remarks for the Conference on “Can Migration Work for All in Europe?”

Everyone talks about it, BUT ITALY CAN ‘FAIL REALLY?

Italy fail? Let’s start with some simple facts: Italy has a high public debt ( debt / GDP ratio of 120% ) , by the end of 2014 has to find about 750 billion Euros to finance , politics has lost credibility and has an economy that does not grow too long. Obviously , the higher the rate of interest payable on the debt, the situation is worse . At this time Italy pays 6.3% on the debt in 10 years, 6% abundant on the 5-year and 5.3% over the 2 years . The point is : if a person … Continue reading Everyone talks about it, BUT ITALY CAN ‘FAIL REALLY?

Transcript of a Press Conference on the Global Financial Stability Report

Ms. Stankova – Good morning, everybody, and good afternoon to those who are joining us today from afar. Welcome to the press conference on the release of the main chapter of the Global Financial Stability Report. Let me introduce the speakers today. In the center we have Mr. Viñals, Director of the Monetary and Capital Markets Department. Immediately to my right is Peter Dattels, Deputy Director in the Monetary and Capital Markets Department. To Mr. Viñals’s right is Matthew Jones from the Monetary and Capital Markets Department as well; he is a Division Chief there. Then we have Anna Ilyina, … Continue reading Transcript of a Press Conference on the Global Financial Stability Report

About the Annual Meetings

About the Annual Meetings The Board of Governors of the World Bank Group (WBG) and the Boards of Governors of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) normally meet once a year to discuss the work of their respective institutions. The Annual Meetings, which generally take place in September-October, have customarily been held in Washington for two consecutive years and in another member country in the third year. The Inaugural Meeting of the Boards of Governors was held in Savannah, Georgia, USA in March 1946. The first Annual Meetings were held in Washington in 1946. The Annual Meetings occur ahead of the … Continue reading About the Annual Meetings